This One Goes Out to the Caregivers
2 weeks ago
This is the story of Lucy, delivered 10 weeks premature, weighing only 2lbs. She was born with Downs Syndrome and multiple congenital heart defects, spending 75 days in the NICU. She has underwent two open heart surgeries in August 2009 and June 2010 to repair her Atrioventricular (AV) Canal Defect, Ventricular septal defect, double outlet right ventricle, mitral valve and extra superior vena cava. We hope she touches your heart as much as she has touched ours.
Our Vada has the Seahorse and the VTECH toy. We brought both to the hospital when she had her heart surgery as well! I am so glad to see that your darling is doing well. Getting those lines puled makes things seem so much better!
Glad her tubes are coming out. Ollie felt so much better without all the accessories! Praying for better blood pressure!
Lucy, Lucy, LUCY! You need to get that bp up and let your peeps get some sleep! Can't you just get really mad at some of those poking nurses? That usually gets MINE up!
Continuously sending good thoughts and positive mojo to Lucy and to y'all.
A few steps forward...a few steps back...sneak a few more 'forwards' in, okay LucyRubyRedhead?
Love that picture with Dad, though. Has that kid mastered the sarcastic warning glare or WHAT? "Back it up, Jack. Private email...why don't you go get another one of those coffees you've been sucking on and let a girl check her inbox in peace?"
Oh Lucy, we were so excited to hear that you had moved on up until we caught that you just couldn't leave your friends in the ICU!
Praying for you guys!
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