This One Goes Out to the Caregivers
2 weeks ago
This is the story of Lucy, delivered 10 weeks premature, weighing only 2lbs. She was born with Downs Syndrome and multiple congenital heart defects, spending 75 days in the NICU. She has underwent two open heart surgeries in August 2009 and June 2010 to repair her Atrioventricular (AV) Canal Defect, Ventricular septal defect, double outlet right ventricle, mitral valve and extra superior vena cava. We hope she touches your heart as much as she has touched ours.
Jace got the exact same barn for Christmas. He likes to hurl it across the room and rip the silo off like a demon.
He thinks he might be more interested in it if he had a pretty redhead to play with him. He wants me to invite Lu over for a roll in the Fisher Price hay.
The fourth spare bedroom? Well, my parents said I can't move back in with them after college, so I guess I know where I'm going.
Hi--I came across your blog by accident, but have to tell you (like you don't already know) that Lucy is a darling! What a beautiful little girl, and what a lucky family.
--from Julian and Nathan's mom
great photos, you guys. and jeepers, just realized that I missed Lucy's birthday. big love to you all
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