This One Goes Out to the Caregivers
2 weeks ago
This is the story of Lucy, delivered 10 weeks premature, weighing only 2lbs. She was born with Downs Syndrome and multiple congenital heart defects, spending 75 days in the NICU. She has underwent two open heart surgeries in August 2009 and June 2010 to repair her Atrioventricular (AV) Canal Defect, Ventricular septal defect, double outlet right ventricle, mitral valve and extra superior vena cava. We hope she touches your heart as much as she has touched ours.
She looks great! Bennett has the same baby legs! They were great when he was in the hospital for OHS. Hoping she comes home real soon!
Hi I am new to your blog.Love the leg warmers. Glad to see that she is doing better. My little had ohs and had some complications too. Hope that things keep improving and that she comes home soon.
So glad to read you have met this milestone. It is quite nice in the heart center. We stayed there over night one time when there was no room in the PICU.
Keep on keeping on Lucy!!!!
The cow baby legs are too cute! After I caught up on your pictures my first night back to work a few weeks ago, I ordered some of the Trumpette socks and got a pair of the baby legs from Target. I just couldn't believe how cute Lucy looked in them. They don't disappoint! So glad you are closer to home!
Just happened to find your blog thru Twitter. What a sweetie Lucy is and what wonderful parents you both are! Along with Lucy's great docs and medical care, it's your love that's getting her thru this! All three of you are pretty special people!
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